Thursday, December 11, 2008


Love, love, love writing songs, especially ones that people enjoy singing where they can connect with God. Some of the most memorable times were just God, me, my Bible and a guitar or keys and listening to Him. Typically I have written worship songs/choruses or even songs based on a message from God' heart (I guess they all are, huh?) but you know what I may be a time of entering a season where the style of the songwriting is changing and maturing. Hopefully it will be a helpful tool. I will be entering a time of getting with people that are more seasoned than myself and I see that as a great way to learn! I am so pumped!

Anyway, through all of this, I have been praying about opportunities of meeting with local worship leaders who enjoy writing and begin collaborating on songs. So, a few opportunities have presented themselves through building relationships over the past few months to do this such thing. If you are reading this, and you love to write songs, then send me a message on Twitter or Facebook. You can reach me by both of those technological mediums fairly quick. Just look to your right on this page and click on one of those links and it should take you there-if it does not then let me know. 

Well, I am enjoying a day off and can't seem to get away from the computer. Doing some email, listening to new artists, can't decide if I am going to delve into some recording or not today. Its nice being off! 

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