Friday, August 15, 2008

The People Are The Ministry

Well...the title says it all.

What a blessing and challenge it can be to mentor someone. Mentoring the life of another comes highly recommend! I was mentored, challenged and shaped for doing ministry at a level different than I had experienced before. Today was an opportunity to revel in the work that God has done in a young mans life that I admire. His name is Ryan. Ryan traveled from out of town to visit with his family, friends and show off his new fiance Aimee. I told him he was definitley marrying up! :)

I am sure it was difficult for Aimee to meet so many new people in such a short amount of time. However, she did well and it will be exciting to see God work in their lives as they serve together in ministry.

I was excited and blessed all at the same time when Ryan began to talk about the ministry he is a part of and I could see the growth that has taken place even in the time that we have been a part. At the end of our conversation, Ryan mentioned that he has been so focused and busy that he doesn't have time to build relationships. I reminded him that the people are the ministry and if we lose sight of that we have to refocus. This dialogue was a reminder to me not to lose sight of our focus. Yes, the people are the ministry.

Today in the One Year Bible, Paul talked about being, all things to all men, that I might win some." Melissa and I discussed this in the car on the way back from getting a "Goldies" hamburger. What does that mean? Building relationships and love people.

Might I make a suggestion?

Ask God to help you truly love people. How?

1. Make an effort to build relationships by getting into their world
2. Take opportunities to mentor (even the lost).
3. Stand back and watch God move in incredible ways.

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