Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Perspectives

Wow. Our people did such a great job tonight on Christmas Perspectives. From the acting, to helping with the stage building, set-up and tear down, to the tech stuff, we had a great evening. My daughter Mikayla was in the play and did a great job. I am so proud of her and the young women she is becoming. It is hard to believe I have a teenager, but alas it tis true. 

Anyway, it was a blast for me watching our people do what they are passionate about in the arts. Telling their perspective of Christmas through each one of the characters. Our Drama Team Coordinator wrote the script and the people acted it out-way to go everyone!

I am sure I will encounter many different perspectives this year, but one recently has sorta rocked my thinking  and I wanted to take a moment and share it. I was listening to Steven Furtick on his website and he made this statement, "People worship the resource and forget to worship the source". That statement hit me between the eyes! I am am still wrestling with it and wondering when in my life I have done this. How does that tie into Christmas Perspectives? Well, Christ came and was the gift. But how many times do we focus on everything but the gift. We have the tendency, I have the tendency to focus on everything but the gift of Jesus Christ.  He is the source. He is the life. Worship the source not the resource. This is what I am wrestling with. Maybe when you read this, we can wrestle with this together and discuss. 

One of a million Christmas Perspectives...

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