Monday, February 16, 2009

God Sightings

For starters, I cant believe it has taken me this long to blog in the new year, alas, here goes the first blog of 2009.  As a reminder, you can catch me on Facebook and Twitter easily these days. You can click on the links on this blog and it will take you to my sites on those social networking tools.

Anyway...a few weeks ago our Lead Pastor encouraged us to pay attention to God who is working all around us. He also encouraged us to write down what he referred to as "God Sightings". Well, ashamedly, I had not sat down long enough to really think about this and the good thing is, it didn't take me long at all. 

I am reminded of yesterday in the worship service as we began playing and singing the song, "God With Us". It is a great tune by Mercy Me and such a great message. Emmanuel, means, God With Us. We began to sense God's presence in the room as He took center stage while hearing voices raised, arms stretched out to the ceiling, people yielding themselves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Wow! What a powerful time! God truly inhabited the praises of His people in the few moments we had together in corporate worship. 

This is my first God sighting of the week. What will be yours?

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